Saturday, August 27, 2011

heading East

Hello Permie-friends,
My amazing Lama summer is winding down. In the spirit of permie-Brad Lancaster, I am taking a train from Albuquerque to Boston between September 5 & September 7. I am going to stay with my folks for a while, mapping & zoning their new lake-front property. I am also launching Carter Tracy Astrology, LLC and publishing my Lunar Life Workbook for 2012.

I am still pondering permaculture potential in Detroit, but I am also feeling inspired by New Orleans (MUCH longer growing season!). I may check out New Orleans this winter.

I will keep you all posted.

I've learned a ton from Seth, Lalo, Talitha, Drew & Randy at Lama.

You should all read The One Straw Revolution pronto!!!!

~ Esha, I haven't forgotten your chart...will send thoughts soon....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Front Page Fox News Article Fibs

Occassionally, I like to read a Fox News article, which left me perplexed. Here's the quote: "For this collective of homeless and unemployed former landscapers, service industry workers and military veterans, the mention of "tarp" is sure to start a conversation about temporary rooftops, rather than a debate over President Obama's $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program(full article here)." 

I was and am absolutely astonished. Recently, News Corp (Fox's parent company), was caught hacking into the phones of civilians and politicians in the UK. The scandal went so high up that the top two Metropolitan Police Administrators in London resigned. Fox's "Fair and Balanced" trademark has been ridiculed for some time, but this is different than mere selective fact picking. Either this writer is so incompetent that they can't remember that TARP was enacted by president George W. Bush, not Barack Obama, OR this "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" mistake was intentional. I have no verdict because I can't fathom Fox News intentionally lying in an article, and I can easily fathom them hiring a writer and editor who don't remember critical pieces of American History... that happened 3 years ago. 

Its dangerous and immoral that a news corporation is writing articles that incite anger toward others, but I expect that out of Fox. It is a crime to sway people's opinions with false information. Read the whole article, shit just read the title, and you'll know exactly the purpose of this article.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Permaculture In The New York Times!

There's a very well balanced (in my opinion) article on permaculture that was in The New York Times a few days ago. Oh, and it features an interview with none other than Scott Pittman.